Jewish Food
With the approach of summer comes thoughts of Saturday afternoons spent in the park al fresco drinking. Nothing says the day of rest like getting sun and a slight buzz.
You’re Jewish and want to celebrate Cinco De Mayo? Cool, here’s the best way how.
Radiation-proof vodka plus the combo of amaretto and pineapple is the right shade of pinko glasses to shade your “irrational” red fear of radiation.
East Village Wine Geek, Keith Beavers (of Vivo In Vino fame) speaks with Adam Teeter about Passover wine pairings for your 2011 seder.
Three Words: Gefilte fish jelly.
Kiglin: They’re like savory muffins, sort of like a popover, done with Matzoh instead of flour. And they are delicious.
Natalie Portman is no longer a vegan. We discuss.